*(Read Online) How to Sell a Haunted House *Full page By Grady Hendrix


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    Your past and your family can haunt you like nothing else? A hilarious and terrifying new novel from the New York Times bestselling author of The Final Girl Support Group.Every childhood home is haunted, and each of us are possessed by our parents.When their parents die at the tail end of the coronavirus pandemic, Louise and Mark Joyner are devastated but nothing can prepare them for how bad things are about to get. The two siblings are almost totally estranged, and couldn?t be more different. Now, however, they don?t have a choice but to get along. The virus has passed, and both of them are facing bank accounts ravaged by the economic meltdown. Their one asset? Their childhood home. They need to get it on the market as soon as possible because they need the money. Yet before her parents died they taped newspaper over the mirrors and nailed shut the attic door.Sometimes we feel like puppets, controlled by our upbringing and our genes. Sometimes we feel like our parents treat us like

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