(Read Today!) Book Where the Money Is: Value Investing in the Digital Age

by Adam Seessel


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    ?One of the best books I have read on investing in years. ? ?Bill Ackman, founder and CEO, Pershing Square Capital Management From a successful investor and a contributor to Barron?s and Fortune comes a once-in-a-lifetime book that gives modern investors what they need most: a fresh guide to making money in a stock market now dominated by tech stocks.Technological change is reshaping the economy in a way not witnessed since Henry Ford introduced the assembly line. A little more than ten years ago, only two of the ten most valuable publicly traded companies in the world were digital enterprises?today, they comprise eight of the top ten. Investors around the world are struggling to understand the Digital Age and how they can use the stock market to profit from it. Author Adam Seessel understands. Several years ago, he watched his old-school portfolio built using traditional value investing principles decline while the market, driven by ?expensive? tech stocks, advanced. Determined to

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